Experimental Investigations of the Dynamics of Contactless Transportation by Bernoulli Grippers
Recommended citation: R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, F. Duchon, L. Chovanec, (2020). “Experimental Investigations of the Dynamics of Contactless Transportation by Bernoulli Grippers.” IEEE 6th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control (MSNMC). 97-100. doi: 10.1109/MSNMC50359.2020.9255521.
Abstract: The article presents experimental studies of dynamics of contactless transportation of production facilities by Bernoulli gripping devices along vertical and vertical-horizontal trajectory. For the vertical trajectory, the minimum required lifting force is determined at various acceleration parameters. Dynamics of contactless transportation along vertical-horizontal trajectory is investigated and method of reduction of dynamic loads due to smoothing of trajectory of motion of gripping devices is proposed. Smoothing made it possible to reduce inertial loads on the object of manipulation up to 70%, which is relevant for fragile and easily deformed objects of production.